Monday, September 9, 2019

Septemeber 9, 2019 Newsletter

Tr 4 Gr 2 Class
Sept. 9, 2019 Newsletter

What’s Coming Up?

Sept. 19th: Tracks 2 & 4: Picture Day
Sept. 23rd: Last class newsletter for Q1. By the 9/23 newsletter,
we will have a fall conference sign up for dates & times e-mailed to you.
Most likely our fall conferences will be in late Oct. or early Nov. after Q1
report cards go home.
September 27th: Last Day of Q1 & Track OUT Day for Track 4
Oct. 22nd: Track IN Day for Track 4
Oct. 25th: Q1 Report Cards
As a reference & resource for parents:
Currently, Q1's academic vocabulary is listed. 
We'll add on additional lists as the year goes on for: Q2, Q3, & Q4.


* Follow our class on Twitter: @ktopoll to see examples of
what we're learning!
* Please send a HEALTHY snack & a filled water bottle
with your child daily.
* Extra snack donations (bags of apples, small boxes of raisins, snack
size bags of pretzels) are welcomed for those who do not have a snack.
THANK YOU for the donations we've already received!
* Your child may want to keep a light jacket or sweatshirt in his/her backpack
because at times the trailer's AC is a little cold for some students.

The Positivity Project
What is the Positivity Project?
Click HERE for information for families.
Character Trait for the Week of
9/9: Perspective
9/16: Creativity
9/23: Bravery
For more information check out:

What students ARE encouraged to do outside of school is to READ
for at least 20 minutes nightly.

They are also encouraged to practice recall of memorization of addition
& subtraction facts. One resource you may choose to use for math facts
at home is Xtra Math (on-line.) Your child will have an account via our
class page. If you still need your child's log-in password, then let us know.

Your child will keep a BLUE 2-pocket Literacy Resource folder in his/her

In this folder, we will "house" materials for literacy challenges

& support at home.
Look for NEW resources including comprehension, FLUENCY activities & tips (Decoding Strategies) 

this month to help your child as he/she interacts with, reads, & responds to text.

Look at what we'll be learning!

Math:  Unit 2: "Adding & Subtracting Within 100" This unit will last through
the end of Q1.
NC DPI: CC: State Standards: "Students will..."
* Represent and solve + & - word problems, within 100, w/
unknowns in all positions, by using representations and
equations w/ a symbol for the unknown number to represent
the problem, when solving one-step problems:
*Add to/Take from - Start Unknown
*Compare - Bigger Unknown
*Compare - Smaller Unknown
*Count within 100: skip-count by 5s & 10s.
*Demonstrate fluency w/ + & - within 100, by:
*Flexibly using strategies based on place value,
properties of operations, and/or the relationship
between + & -.
*Comparing + & - strategies, and explaining why they work.
* Add up to three two-digit numbers using strategies based on
place value and properties of operations. 
* Mentally add 10 to a given number within 100 and mentally
subtract 10 from a given number within 100.
* Represent whole numbers as lengths from 0 on a number line diagram
with equally spaced points and represent whole-numbers.

Science:  Sound
NC DPI CC State Standards: "Students will..."
* Understand the relationship between sound and vibrating objects.
* Illustrate how sound is produced by vibrating objects and columns of air.
* Summarize the relationship between sound and objects of the body
that vibrate: eardrum and vocal cords.

Speaking/Writing/Reading/Listening: Module 1, Unit 3 (through end of Sept.)
WCPSS Parent Connection: EL: Gr 2 Module 1 "Aspects of School"
* I can compare & contrast my own school with schools in Haiti, Bangladesh,
& India.
* I can build on others’ ideas while participating in a collaborative
conversation about how schools are different.
* I can clarify, ask questions, & respond to others’ ideas while participating
in a conversation about how schools that we have researched are similar &
interesting facts from our research.
* I can research a school to find more details about how it is similar
to and different from my school.
* I can analyze a model of “The Most Important Thing about Schools” book.
* I can write a focus statement for my “The Most Important Thing about
Schools” book.
* I can write about the differences between my
school and the school that I researched using details from my notes.

* Letterland: Weekly Phonics / Spelling Patterns:
9/9:Words with:
Consonant- long vowel (a, i or o) - consonant- silent e patterns
& word ending: -ce (soft "c" as in "mice.")
9/16: Words ending with: -ge & -dge (soft "g" as in "age.")
9/23: Past tense verbs ending in "-ed"

Helpful School & WCPSS Links to Resources & Information