Here is what we have been learning in fifth grade:
In EL, Students have been reading literary and informational texts to better understand the impact of natural disasters on places and people. Students researched a natural disaster of their choice and thought about how authors used reasons and evidence to support particular points. Later,students used this research to conduct a science discussion. Next, students are learning about and researching to write a PSA explaining how to stay safe during a natural disaster. (W5.2, W5.4, SL5.4, SL5.5 and SL 5.6)
In math, students have finished their measurement unit and multiplying fractions and mixed numbers unit. They will be having their final assessment for this on Monday. The next unit the students will be studying is quadrilaterals. They will be comparing, contrasting and classifying quadrilaterals. (5MD1, 5NBT7, 5NF4, 5G1, 5G3)
In science, we have started our weather unit, which is our last science unit of the year. Students will be learning to understand weather patterns and phenomena, making connections to the weather in a particular place and time. Students will also need to be able to compare daily and seasonal changes in weather conditions (including wind speed and direction, precipitation, and temperature) and patterns. They will also need to be able to predict upcoming weather events from weather data collected through observation and measurements. (5P2, 5P2.1, 5E1, 5E1.1, 5E1,.2, 5E1.3, 5P3, 5P3.1, 5P3.2)
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