This is what we have been learning in fifth grade:
In EL, students are working on their last unit of Module 3. Students began the unit by reading about Jim Abbott, another professional athlete who effectively led social change in the acceptance of athletes with disabilities in professional sports. They then compared and contrasted the factors that contributed to his success as a leader of social change with those of Jackie Robinson. Students are currently researching a new athlete leader of social change. Next, they will write an essay comparing and contrasting factors that were important to this new athlete with those of Jackie Robinson. Lastly, they will create a poster based on one of these factors and present this information to the class. Students are also learning about correlative conjunctions and including them in their writing pieces.
(RI5.3, RI5.7, RI 5.9, W5.2,W 5.4, RI5.1,SL5.4, SL5.5)
In math, we have been working with decimals. Students have been multiplying decimals with products to thousandths. They also have been dividing whole numbers by a decimal and dividing a decimal by a whole number. Students have also been using various models and strategies to compute and solve real-world problems involving multi-digit whole numbers and decimal numbers.
(5NBT5, 5NBT6, 5NBT7)
In social studies, students are continuing their study of Government and Westward Expansion. They spent time answering the essential questions – What influenced the development of US government ? They summarized the organizational structures and powers of the US government. (legislative, judicial and executive branches of government.) Students also learned the process of a bill becoming a law. They created bills and put them through our classroom congress to see if they could get them passed and signed into law. Students are now exploring factors that brought change and growth to the US. Next week, they will become experts on an important event during Westward Expansion and create a presentation to share with the class. (5.C.1, 5.G.1, 5.G.2, 5.H.1)
*The last week before track out we will be starting Human Growth and Development during our science and
soc. studies time.
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