Welcome to
Mrs. Topoll
Track 4 - Grade 2 Class
2019 – 2020
Brassfield YR Elementary School
As you walk through the doors of our second grade classroom, all students will be fully engaged in meaningful learning opportunities. The culture of the classroom
Beginning of the School Year Newsletter & Daily Schedule
Our Classroom's Mission Statement
As you walk through the doors of our second grade classroom, all students will be fully engaged in meaningful learning opportunities. The culture of the classroom
will encompass a growth mindset for learners & teachers with a rigorous, equitable
curriculum and high expectations for all. Students and teacher will collaborate using
critical thinking skills & creativity to investigate, explore, & communicate solutions and
strategies for real world problems. Relationships & connections will be nurtured through
acts of recognition, kindness, respect, and responsibility to foster teamwork and
collaboration. Purposeful teaching and learning will be at the forefront of all distributive
decision making processes.
Beginning of the School Year Newsletter & Daily Schedule
I am excited to have the opportunity to work with you & your child this school year! I look
forward to creating the best learning environment possible for our class. This opening newsletter
contains important information you may need as you familiarize yourself with our school &/or
forward to creating the best learning environment possible for our class. This opening newsletter
contains important information you may need as you familiarize yourself with our school &/or
Our Daily Schedule
8:45 - 9:15 AM Arrival / Morning Work
9:15 - 9:30 AM *Positivity Project & Morning Meeting
9:30 - 10:30 AM LetterLand
10:30 - 11:30 AM Math
11:30 - 11:50 AM Enrichment and Intervention
11:50 AM - 12: 20 PM Lunch
12: 25 - 12: 55 PM Recess
1:00 - 1:45 PM Specials
1:50 - 2:50 PM EL
2:50 - 3:40 PM Social Studies / Science
Specials Schedule (1:00-1:45 PM)
Monday: Art
Tuesday: Music
Wednesday: PE
Thursday: Spanish
Friday: Media
Open House: You are invited to attend Open House from 5:30-7:00 PM on Tuesday,
Aug. 6th. I look forward to meeting you! At Open House, your child will lead you through a
"scavenger hunt" of the classroom to locate information about our classroom structure, routines,
& expectations. He/she will also share his/her work samples to show what our class has been
learning the first 7 days of school!
Wednesday Folders: Your child will typically bring home a RED two-pocket folder each
week on Wednesday. (This week, I sent it on the FIRST day of school.) You will find
forms, school memos, PTA correspondence, and samples of your child's work from the
previous week. Please remind your child to show this to you each Wed., remove all papers,
and return the folder to school Thursday. Thank you!
Student Locator Cards for the main office (blue) : In the Wednesday Folder
that came home on the first day of school, you’ll find a BLUE Locator Card. Both sides must be
completed before you return it to school. This is the contact information card that will be kept
in our school’s main office.
"Tell Me About Your Child" Parent Input Form: Thanks in advance for completing this form
found in the Wednesday Folder. This will help me know how to best support your child's needs in our classroom community.
Parent Contact Info for Mrs. Topoll in the classroom:
Please complete & return the student information form in the Wed. Folder for us to keep in the
Transportation: If your child will be riding the bus, you may visit http://www.wcpss.net/transportation
for more information about the bus route. If you still have questions, please contact Mr. Wall in the front office 919-870-4080.
Aug. 6th. I look forward to meeting you! At Open House, your child will lead you through a
"scavenger hunt" of the classroom to locate information about our classroom structure, routines,
& expectations. He/she will also share his/her work samples to show what our class has been
learning the first 7 days of school!
Communication: Our class newsletter will be posted every 3 weeks on our blog:
You may enter your e-mail address on the blog page to receive e-mail notifications for the new
You may enter your e-mail address on the blog page to receive e-mail notifications for the new
blog posts.Mrs. Topoll's Blog.
After this “Beginning of the Year” Blog Post / Newsletter, look for
Q1 Newsletters on the following dates: Aug. 19th, Sept. 9th & Sept. 23rd
(Only 2 wks after 9/9 due to track-out in Oct.)
These newsletters will keep you up to date on our class happenings & topics of study.
Also, I encourage you to follow our class on Twitter: @ktopoll to stay up to date on
Also, I encourage you to follow our class on Twitter: @ktopoll to stay up to date on
what students are learning in the classroom! To communicate directly with me, you can
e-mail me: ktopoll@wcpss.net Also, you may send messages via Class DoJo.
(Let me know if you are not already connected to our class on this
site.) **Note: If you have an urgent request or need to notify the school of same day changes
to afternoon transportation for your child, then please call the office @ 919-870-4080.
to afternoon transportation for your child, then please call the office @ 919-870-4080.
Supplies & Meet the Teacher Info:
The Supply List & Meet the Teacher were sent home in the report card envelope
from your child’s Gr 1 teacher if he/she was at Brassfield for Gr 1. A copy of the supply list & "Meet
the Teacher" are also posted on our blog. Click Mrs. Topoll's Blog for that info.
The Supply List & Meet the Teacher were sent home in the report card envelope
from your child’s Gr 1 teacher if he/she was at Brassfield for Gr 1. A copy of the supply list & "Meet
the Teacher" are also posted on our blog. Click Mrs. Topoll's Blog for that info.
If you need another hard copy of the supply list, then let me know.
I will soon create an Amazon “Class Wish List” or additional items or supplies needed throughout
the school year.
I will soon create an Amazon “Class Wish List” or additional items or supplies needed throughout
the school year.
Wednesday Folders: Your child will typically bring home a RED two-pocket folder each
week on Wednesday. (This week, I sent it on the FIRST day of school.) You will find
forms, school memos, PTA correspondence, and samples of your child's work from the
previous week. Please remind your child to show this to you each Wed., remove all papers,
and return the folder to school Thursday. Thank you!
Student Locator Cards for the main office (blue) : In the Wednesday Folder
that came home on the first day of school, you’ll find a BLUE Locator Card. Both sides must be
completed before you return it to school. This is the contact information card that will be kept
in our school’s main office.
"Tell Me About Your Child" Parent Input Form: Thanks in advance for completing this form
found in the Wednesday Folder. This will help me know how to best support your child's needs in our classroom community.
Parent Contact Info for Mrs. Topoll in the classroom:
Please complete & return the student information form in the Wed. Folder for us to keep in the
The Positivity Project
What is the Positivity Project?
Click HERE for information for families. For the week of July 29th, we'll focus on the "Open-mindedness" Mindset. For more information check out: http://www.posproject.org |
for more information about the bus route. If you still have questions, please contact Mr. Wall in the front office 919-870-4080.
School Hours: As a reminder, the school day starts promptly at 9:15 AM, and we dismiss at
3:45 PM. Parents may drop students off in carpool from 8:45 – 9:10 AM.
Homework Update
from the Grade 2 Team
Our Grade 2 team has reviewed research conducted over time
demonstrating no proven academic benefits for early elementary
age students who complete regular homework. In addition, studies
show that homework can have a negative impact on some students'
academic performance.
Therefore, our Grade 2 Team will not assign mandatory written
homework for the 2019-2020 school year.
What students ARE encouraged to do outside of school is to READ
for at least 20 minutes nightly.
They are also encouraged to practice recall of memorization of addition
& subtraction facts. One resources you may choose to use for math facts
at home is Xtra Math (on-line.) Your child will have an account via our
class page. Log In info will come home during first week of school.
Your child will keep a BLUE 2-pocket Literacy Resource folder in his/her
backpack. We'll send this home Tues., July 30th.
In this folder, we will "house" materials for literacy challenges
In this folder, we will "house" materials for literacy challenges
& support at home. Look for resources / tips to help your child as he/she interacts
with & responds to text along w/ your child in conversation. Each Friday, he/she
may bring a book from home to share with a book buddy.
If you'd like to read more about this research re: homework in elementary
school, then below is a quote from
one article & a link to a column outlining the findings of this study.
"There is practically nothing that will be more important than reading time,” Hirsh-Pasek (Temple University professor, early learning researcher, and
Senior Fellow at the Brookings Institution) says. “It’s a time when kids
learn integrated narrative. It’s a time when they learn about relationships
and hear vocabulary that they don’t hear anywhere else.” https://www.huffpost.com/entry/elementary-school-homework-probably-isnt-good-for_b_5a8ddfc4e4b03a166e940fc7
Volunteering: If you plan to volunteer in any capacity this year you MUST update your
security clearance with WCPSS. This can be done our Learning Commons (Media Center.)
Parents only be allowed to go on field trips or help with student activities with this clearance
per WCPSS Policy. (Specific Field Trip info / dates for our class will be sent home in late
security clearance with WCPSS. This can be done our Learning Commons (Media Center.)
Parents only be allowed to go on field trips or help with student activities with this clearance
per WCPSS Policy. (Specific Field Trip info / dates for our class will be sent home in late
Volunteer Opportunities: If you are interested in being a Class Parent for
our class, then please let us know. Once we have a Class Parent, then he/she will communicate
needs for volunteers within the classroom.
Maker Space: Click HERE for a list of supplies needed to keep our Maker Space stocked for projects
throughout the school year for K-5.
given to them during the school day, you must complete a medical form from our Nurse’s Station/Office
and have it signed by your physician to be filed at school.
our class, then please let us know. Once we have a Class Parent, then he/she will communicate
needs for volunteers within the classroom.
Maker Space: Click HERE for a list of supplies needed to keep our Maker Space stocked for projects
throughout the school year for K-5.
Cafeteria: When buying lunch from the cafeteria, your child will use his/her student ID # for the
lunch account/to pay for lunch. Please write this ID# on your check when adding money to his/her
lunch account. 2019- '20 Cafeteria prices for meals are: Breakfast: $1.25 and Lunch: $2.75 Click HERE for more information about adding money to your child's account. We encourage all students to eat a healthy breakfast & lunch daily!
lunch account/to pay for lunch. Please write this ID# on your check when adding money to his/her
lunch account. 2019- '20 Cafeteria prices for meals are: Breakfast: $1.25 and Lunch: $2.75 Click HERE for more information about adding money to your child's account. We encourage all students to eat a healthy breakfast & lunch daily!
Snacks: Please send a HEALTHY snack with your child daily. You're always welcome to send in extra
healthy snacks for us to have for those who do not have a snack from home.
Health: If your child has a food allergy, please let us know. If your child needs medication to be healthy snacks for us to have for those who do not have a snack from home.
given to them during the school day, you must complete a medical form from our Nurse’s Station/Office
and have it signed by your physician to be filed at school.
Absences/Late Arrivals: If your child is absent please call the office 919-870-4080, or
e-mail us @ ktopoll@wcpss.net. A student is counted absent if he/she
arrives after 12:30 PM or leaves before 12:30 PM. If you bring your child to school after 9:15 AM
(when the last bell rings,) then please come in to sign him/her in at the office.
e-mail us @ ktopoll@wcpss.net. A student is counted absent if he/she
arrives after 12:30 PM or leaves before 12:30 PM. If you bring your child to school after 9:15 AM
(when the last bell rings,) then please come in to sign him/her in at the office.
Transportation /Contact Info Changes: Parents are advised to send a written note and/or call the
front office if the child’s transportation is going to change for a given day or permanently. Please only
send messages regarding carpool or bus changes via e-mail when you are giving the school at least 24
hours advance notice. If it is a last minute change for that day, then please call the front office
919-870-4080 to let them know. Also, if any of your CONTACT INFO (mailing address, e-mail address, and
/or work/ home/cell number) changes during the year, then notify us and/or the front office as soon as
possible. Thanks.
front office if the child’s transportation is going to change for a given day or permanently. Please only
send messages regarding carpool or bus changes via e-mail when you are giving the school at least 24
hours advance notice. If it is a last minute change for that day, then please call the front office
919-870-4080 to let them know. Also, if any of your CONTACT INFO (mailing address, e-mail address, and
/or work/ home/cell number) changes during the year, then notify us and/or the front office as soon as
possible. Thanks.
Citizenship: Students have the opportunity to earn DoJo points & BEAR Paw tickets by following our
school - wide BEARS expectations (positive behaviors.) You will see these charts explaining the
expectations posted around the school. If you are not already connected to your child's Class DoJo
account, then look for an invitation to do so in the folder on 7/29. Note: The students collaborated
to create our classroom community's RULES yesterday and today!
school - wide BEARS expectations (positive behaviors.) You will see these charts explaining the
expectations posted around the school. If you are not already connected to your child's Class DoJo
account, then look for an invitation to do so in the folder on 7/29. Note: The students collaborated
to create our classroom community's RULES yesterday and today!
Upcoming Important Dates for Track 4 Brassfield Parents & Students:
Aug. 6th: Open House: 5:30 - 7:00 PM
Aug. 15th: Community Connection Event at Green Road Library: 5:00-7:00 PM
Aug. 15th: Community Connection Event at Green Road Library: 5:00-7:00 PM
August 30th: Interim Reports (Tracks 4) – Quarter 1
Aug. 28th: Brassfield Fun Run: Tracks 3 & 4
September 27th: Track OUT Day for Track 4
Look at what we'll be learning!
Math: Unit 1: Unit 1- Building a Mathematical Community while working with
numbers within 20
* Represent whole numbers up to 20 on a number line.
* Use a number line to find sums and differences (add and subtract.)
* Demonstrate fluency when adding and subtracting using mental strategies within
* Pair and count objects by 2s and then determine if the number is odd or even.
* Share counters into 2 equal groups (if possible) to determine if a number is odd
or even.
numbers within 20
* Represent whole numbers up to 20 on a number line.
* Use a number line to find sums and differences (add and subtract.)
* Demonstrate fluency when adding and subtracting using mental strategies within
* Pair and count objects by 2s and then determine if the number is odd or even.
* Share counters into 2 equal groups (if possible) to determine if a number is odd
or even.
Social Studies: Unit 1: Civics & Government
* Explain government services and their value to the community. (libraries, schools,
parks, etc)
* Understand the roles and responsibilities of citizens.
* Explain why it is important for citizens to participate in their community.
* Our Classroom & School Community: What are necessary classroom jobs?
Why is each job important? What makes a good citizen? How do communities
solve problems?
Note: Throughout the year, we alternate between Social Studies & Science Units.
* Explain government services and their value to the community. (libraries, schools,
parks, etc)
* Understand the roles and responsibilities of citizens.
* Explain why it is important for citizens to participate in their community.
* Our Classroom & School Community: What are necessary classroom jobs?
Why is each job important? What makes a good citizen? How do communities
solve problems?
Note: Throughout the year, we alternate between Social Studies & Science Units.
After this Social Studies Unit concludes, we’ll begin our first Science Unit: Sound.
Speaking/Writing/Reading/Listening: Module 1, Unit 1
WCPSS Parent Connection: EL: Gr 2 Module 1 "Aspects of School"
* I can listen & speak one at a time when participating in conversations about
texts w/classmates.
* I can draw & write to tell about what I already know about school.
* I can ask/answer Qs about what school is & why it's important using details
from informational text in conversation & in writing.
* I can identify & describe a character's feelings and how it changes from
beginning to end of a book.
* I can identify the central message of a text.
* I can define new vocabulary from a text using context clues.
* I can respond to Qs using details from the text to support my answers.
Students will be using their notes and written responses that they're
gathering in Module 1, Unit 1 for their "Informative Writing" lessons in Module 1,
Unit 2 in late Aug.
Speaking/Writing/Reading/Listening: Module 1, Unit 1
WCPSS Parent Connection: EL: Gr 2 Module 1 "Aspects of School"
* I can listen & speak one at a time when participating in conversations about
texts w/classmates.
* I can draw & write to tell about what I already know about school.
* I can ask/answer Qs about what school is & why it's important using details
from informational text in conversation & in writing.
* I can identify & describe a character's feelings and how it changes from
beginning to end of a book.
* I can identify the central message of a text.
* I can define new vocabulary from a text using context clues.
* I can respond to Qs using details from the text to support my answers.
Students will be using their notes and written responses that they're
gathering in Module 1, Unit 1 for their "Informative Writing" lessons in Module 1,
Unit 2 in late Aug.
Helpful School & WCPSS Links to Resources & Information
In summary, Grade 2 is an important year for all students!
Students build upon early elementary academic skills by learning new strategies,
tools, & resources to "grow" these skills across the
tools, & resources to "grow" these skills across the
curriculum and in real world situations. By actively participating in collaborative peer learning
opportunities using critical thinking & communication, our students will gain the
skill set necessary for next steps in school and life! :)
Looking forward to productive, fun experiences as I learn
with you and your children!
with you and your children!
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