Monday, December 2, 2019

December 2, 2019 Newsletter

Mrs. Topoll's
Tr 4 Gr 2 Class
December 2019

What’s Coming Up ?

Dec. 5th: K-2 Assembly @ 9:30 AM: Drama Club Performance
Dec. 7th: Saturday School: 8:45 AM-12:45 PM: No meals are
served that day in cafeteria. Please pack your child a hearty snack
& a water bottle.
Dec. 13th: Cultural Family Biography (Cereal Box Project) Due Date
(Refer to e-mail sent on 11/20 & also 12/1.) A hard copy of assignment came
home in Wed. Folder on 11/20.
Dec. 17th: Holidays Around the World Learning Experience (9:45-11:45 AM)
Please see e-mail & the attached document sent on 11/25 & also 12/1.
E-mail Mrs. Buchan if you're interested in helping in any way. Thank you!
Dec. 18th: Science if Fun for Everyone IN-school (ON campus) Field Trip
(Topic: "States of Matter")
Dec. 20th: LAST DAY of Q2 / Track-Out Day for Tr 4
Jan. 27, 2020: Track IN Day for Tr 4, & Q3 begins!
Jan. 31st: Q2 Report Cards go home.

We could use your help!
Image result for cartoon hands index finger images
If you have gently used thinking games,
card games, &/or 
puzzles you'd like to donate to our classroom, 
then feel free to send them in anytime. 
We're using these types of 
activities now during our Arrival Time (8:45-9:15 AM) 
during what we call our "Morning Walk." 
Students choose activities from their Morning Walk Menu!

Homework Ideas / Suggestions

* Family Biography Project is due by 12/13

* All year: Students should read nightly for a minimum of 20 min.
Ideally, 10 min of that time students should be reading ALOUD to a family member.

* MATH: Students are encouraged to practice recall of memorization of addition
& subtraction facts. One resource you may use at home is Xtra Math (on-line.)
Your child has an account via our class page.
If you still need your child's log-in password, then let us know.
Students may also access DreamBox site via there WCPSS student
Google Classroom home page.

Look at what we'll be learning!

The Positivity Project
What is the Positivity Project?
Click HERE for information for families.
Character Trait for the Week of
12/2: Self-Control
12/9: Optimism
12/16: Prudence
For more information check out:
"Matter: Properties & Change"
Understanding properties of solids and liquids and the changes 
they undergo.
NC DPI State Standards:

Students will:

* Give examples of matter that change from a solid to a liquid 
and from a liquid to a solid by heating and cooling.

* Compare the amount (volume and weight) of water in a 
container before and after freezing.

*Compare what happens to water left in an open container 
over time as to water left in a closed container.

Math:  Math: Unit 4: Understanding Place Value to Read,
Write and Compare Numbers
From NCDPI Standard Course of Study:
Students will be able to:
*Count within 1,000; skip-count by 5s, 10s, and 100s 
*Understand that the three digits of a three-digit number represent 
amounts of hundreds, tens, and ones. 
* Unitize by making a hundred from a collection of ten tens. 
* Demonstrate that the numbers 100, 200, 300, 400, 500, 600, 700, 
800, 900 refer to one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, or nine 
hundreds, with 0 tens and 0 ones. 
* Compose and decompose numbers using various groupings of 
hundreds, tens, and ones. 
* Compare two three-digit numbers based on the value of the hundreds, 
tens, and ones digits, using >, =, and < symbols to record the results 

of comparisons

* Letterland: Weekly Phonics / Spelling Patterns:
Weeks of:
12/2: Unit 10: ai, ay, ou, ow
12/9: Unit 11: kn-. -mb, wr-, -igh 
12/16: Unit 12: ar, or 

EL: Speaking/Writing/Reading/Listening:
Module 2, Unit 3: Writing Narratives: Becoming Paleontologists
Writing a Narrative about Discovering a Fossil
Students will:
* Produce a draft of a narrative from the perspective of a paleontologist
about the moment they discovered a fossil.
* Make specific revisions & edits to the narrative based on teacher suggestions.

Monday, November 4, 2019

November 4, 2019 Newsletter

Mrs. Topoll's
Tr 4 Gr 2 Class
November 2019

What’s Coming Up ?

Nov. 4th-14th: Brassfield Book Fair: For ALL the details...Click HERE
for previous blog post.
Nov. 4th-15th: Students may bring in their artifacts for their History &
Culture Project. For ALL the details...Click HERE for previous blog post.
Nov. 7th: Book Fair: Media by Moonlight: 5-7 PM
Nov. 11th: Veterans Day Holiday: All WCPSS schools are closed.
Nov. 14th: Book Fair: Pastries for Parents: 8-8:45 AM
Nov. 16th: Saturday School: 8:45 AM-12:45 PM: No breakfast/lunch is
served that day. Please pack your child a hearty snack & water bottle.
Nov. 20th: Q2 Interim Reports will go home in Wed. Folders.
Nov. 20th: Cultural Arts Program in the morning on campus.
Nov. 27th-29th: Thanksgiving Holiday
Sept. 30th-Dec. 6th: READvolution See e-mail sent on 10/13 for instructions
for logging in for students to record their reading data through 12/6.
Holidays Around the World Track 4 / Gr 2:
December Learning Experience: Stay tuned for details about date, time,
& materials/items needed.
Dec. 7th: Saturday School: 8:45 AM-12:45 PM: No breakfast/lunch is
served that day. Please pack your child a hearty snack & water bottle.
Dec. 20th: LAST DAY of Q2 / Track-Out Day for Tr 4
Jan. 27, 2020: Track IN Day for Tr 4, & Q3 begins!
Jan. 31st: Q2 Report Cards go home.

We could use your help!
Image result for cartoon hands index finger images

If you have gently used thinking games,
card games, &/or 
puzzles you'd like to donate to our classroom, 
then feel free to send them in anytime. 
We're using these types of 
activities now during our Arrival Time (8:45-9:15 AM) 
during what we call our "Morning Walk." 
Students choose activities from their Morning Walk Menu!

Homework Ideas / Suggestions

* History & Culture Project is due by 11/15.

* All year: Students should read nightly for a minimum of 20 min.
Ideally, 10 min of that time students should be reading ALOUD to a family member.

* MATH: Students are encouraged to practice recall of memorization of addition
& subtraction facts. One resource you may use at home is Xtra Math (on-line.)
Your child has an account via our class page.
If you still need your child's log-in password, then let us know.
Students may also access DreamBox site via there WCPSS student
Google Classroom home page.
Currently, we're learning to TELL TIME to the nearest 5 minutes.
Practicing telling time w/ your child is highly encouraged.

* Literacy Resource (BLUE)Folder: Look for NEW resources including
comprehension and FLUENCY activities coming THIS WEEK to help your child
as he/she interacts with, reads, & responds to text.
These materials should get your child through the next 3 weeks! If he/she
doesn't have a BLUE folder in his/her backpack, then I'll send the materials
home in regular file folder.

VERBAL RETELLING QUESTION STEMS, or find these at the tab on the blog for
at-home resources.

Look at what we'll be learning!

The Positivity Project
What is the Positivity Project?
Click HERE for information for families.
Character Trait for the Week of
11/4: Gratitude
11/12: Kindness
11/18: Humility
For more information check out:

Math:  Math: Unit 3: Skip Counting in Multiple Contexts
* Count within 1000; Skip Count by 5's & 10's
* Tell and write time from digital and analog clocks to the nearest
5 minutes using AM & PM

Social Studies: History & Culture
Students will discover ways that various sources provide information about
the past. Our class will study artifacts, images, time lines, and documents.  
In addition, students will begin to develop an understanding about how
various cultures influence communities (stories, art, music, food, etc.) &
learn to recognize historical figures and events associated with various

* Letterland: Weekly Phonics / Spelling Patterns:
Weeks of:
11/4: Medial "ck" & Medial & Final "tch"
11/12: vowel teams: ea & ee (the E says it's name / long e sound)
11/18: Verbs: c-v-c (hop) & doubling final consonant
to add suffix (-ing) (hopping)
c-v-c- silent e (hope) & dropping silent e to add suffix (-ing) (hoping)

EL: Speaking/Writing/Reading/Listening:

Module 2, Unit 1:

Common Core ELA Standards from NC DPI:

*Ask and answer such questions as who, what, where, when, why
and how to demonstrate understanding of key details in a text.

*Recount stories, including fables and folktales from diverse 
cultures, & determine their central message, lesson, or moral.
*Describe how characters in a story respond to major events and challenges.
*Describe the overall structure of a story, including describing 
how the beginning introduces the story and the ending concludes 
the action.*Use information gained from the illustrations and 
words in a print or digital text to demonstrate understanding of its characters, setting, or plot.
*Recount or describe key ideas or details from a text read aloud or information presented orally or through other media.
Helpful School & WCPSS Links to Resources & Information

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

History and Culture Project

History and Culture
Q2: Grade 2
Social Studies Unit
School-Home Connection
During Q2, WCPSS Gr 2 students discover ways that various sources provide information about the past. Our class will study artifacts, images, timelines, and documents.  In addition, students will begin to develop an understanding about how various cultures influence communities (stories, art, music, food, etc.) & learn to recognize historical figures and events associated with various cultures.
As a homework assignment, we want students to truly connect this learning to their own family! They’ll then have the opportunity to share this information with classmates. 
We’re encouraging each student to:
* find an object or “family treasure” at home that would be a good fit for learning about the history and culture of his/her family.
* write a paragraph (5-8 sentences) to tell about his/her family “treasure.”  
In the paragraph, students should: give details about what the object is, who it belongs/belonged to, where it came from, when did your family get this /use this, why it is special or important.
Students will present  & view their classmates’  “family treasures” & paragraphs. We’ll have a few students share each day. Each child’s “treasure” & paragraph should tell us something about his/her family: past or present.  
Some examples might be:
Artifacts (must be 3D and have a use and purpose)
  • Tool, baby blanket
  • Photos 
  • Newspaper, Letter, Greeting Card, Diary
Students may bring in their “family treasure” & paragraph between anytime between: Nov. 4th-15th. 

NOTE: No weapons please. If the “treasure” is too large, delicate, or valuable, then you may email us a photo of the treasure, or send in a photo of it.